The developer has not uploaded a Superbonnie yet...


Seven Nights At Superbonnies Remade is the remake of the first game I ever made. This game will include 2 new characters, a complete new lore and endings. This game also includes another thing that was not in the orginal game, Trophies. There 20 Trophies in SNAS R that you can earn, My personal favorite is "Seat Destroyer" as it is a knod to LD's game. Scrap takes your dinner Also I have not really said anything about this, but SNAS R might be the final game I make.


The story of SNAS R takes place in the 1980's with you accepting a job offer off a newspaper, While going through with your tutorial night the phone guy tells you not to get on Franks bad side and that after your shift you need to take out the memory card off the computer and leave it in the manager's office where he will give you some extra jobs to do before you leave. The animatronics Buddi, Superbonnie, and The jester all have a free roam feature which gets tested during the night which is why the manager wants the memory card from the computer. As you go through the nights and find some things the animatronics start to get a little hostile, going to your office more frequently and getting faster, even using the vent. As you make it through the nights you find some things out. Are you up for playing through the nights?


During the game you will have access to a control panel which opens and shuts the doors, a computer where you can look through cams and check your power, and finnally a flashlight which is used durning your post night shifts. You can also choose to give the memory cards or not give memory cards to the manager. Have fun!



 - (Developer, Artist, Writer, Voice actor)

- (Feedback, Playtester, Voice actor)


 - (Playtester)

(More may be added soon)

(If you want to help in anyway you can ask me and i'll see what I can give you)



 (Programmer & Graphics)

@GabrielNewell2 (Programmer)

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